UV 2146/10000 The Alpha of Priesthood
For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.
Malachi 2 v 7
For only two professions in this world, the person concerned taking up that profession is anointed with oil to consecrate him or her to the service of God. A believer of Jesus is a priest of God. He is also a king anointed by God. As a priest, his role is to turn many away from sin and towards the Lord. He should measure his life, his words against the word of God. He should weight his motives too against the word. As a messenger of God, from head to foot, he is beautiful for the word says that the least part of the human- the feet of the messenger are beautiful. The word of God is to be in the mouth of the priest. It sanctifies his lips and perfects his speech. Every word we speak should pass through the many filters that the word provides us- whether it is true, whether it is useful or beneficial to the hearers.
The priest’s lips are anointed by the Holy Spirit. His tongue is a sword of fire, pronouncing freedom from bondage, healing and deliverance. None of his words should be offensive. We are to use our tongues to enhance knowledge and wisdom in our listeners. He should judge with discernment and be ready to correct others. He should always walk with awe and reverence before the Lord as he knows that he would be judged more severely by the Lord. As priests we pray without ceasing. Our mouths should declare the truths of the word of God.
As messengers of God, we speak for Him and hence, have an enormous responsibility. We need to share the word and testimony with grace and humility. As priests, we stand in the gap between the wider humanity and the Lord. We believe the Lord is attentive to our prayers. As priests, we should not get easily angered or excited. We need to make sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving at all times. We should be people of integrity with no greed for dirty lucre. We should be known as people of peace and great patience. Spiritual wisdom should inform all our thoughts, words and actions.
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