UV 3147/10000 The Alpha of the Unchanging Nature of God
For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
Malachi 3 v 6
The Lord is behind all change in this world- the change of seasons, the changes of history, the turn of events in our lives and so on. Yet He Himself remains unchanging. His word remains unchanging from eternity past, to eternity present to eternity future. The word does not need any revision or updating as it is always up to date. He is the only constant in a constantly changing world. He is the locus of the universe that holds the world together even as the sun is the locus of the solar system and holds together and in their separate orbits all the nine planets including the only inhabited one , our Earth. He is the center of the existence of everyone who places his or her trust in Him. Just as the Lord measured and calibrated the inter planetary distances to keep Jupiter at the right distance from the Earth in order to draw most large asteroids from space, the Lord measures and calibrates our lives. We will do well, therefore, to focus on the locus, Jesus, ( if you want to remember this as a number code from the number of letters, it is 555) the Sun of Righteousness, the Everlasting, Unchanging, Faithful, Loving One. He controls the seasons of our lives. We receive the warmth and intimacy of His love and care that sustains us. He keeps us from being consumed by forces larger and more powerful than us.
Even as the nature of God’s love and word are unchanging , His covenant or promise of relationship with us through His Son Jesus is unchanging, constant. We can anchor downward into His word and upward into His love. This anchoring in the constancy of His promises gives us stability, strength, power, meaning, hope. We cannot trust the false hope and deception of the enemy, the anti-Christ ( represented in scripture as 666 as he adds, distorts, deletes words from the word of God to deceive us even as he deceived Adam and Eve). The interesting thing is that even satan uses the word to deceive us to this day. Like Jacob, we are in a covenant relationship with the Lord after all our struggles on our own. We now have peace with God, peace with our own past, peace with ourselves, peace with others, peace in the present, peace in the future and eternal peace in Christ. Peace with God and others implies we have victory over enemy or multiple enemies of sin, death, curses and so on.
Like the Lord God fulfilled every promise of His to Jacob and His descendants, the Lord fulfils His promise in accordance with His will in our lives. As we focus on the locus of our lives, Jesus, we walk in alignment with the center of His sovereign will for our lives. The Lord does not make things easy for us but He makes it possible. Not only are we consumed by His anger but He reveals His plan of salvation for us, His plans to prosper us in this world and the one to come, His plans to give us hope, His plans to give us the “de-sire of our hearts.” It is instructive to note that the word “desire” comes from “de- Sire” or from the Father. Whatever the Father desires for us, which is good, will come true and real in our lives and we only need to trust Him, believe the goodness of His character for if He did not withhold His son Jesus from us, will He withhold anything we need, anything good from us?
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