UV3160/10000 The Alpha to Omega of Faith
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12 v 2
This uni-verse declares Jesus as the Alpha or the Beginning and the Omega or the Finisher of our faith. Without faith in Jesus it is impossible to please God. He is the One who rewards and honours our faith. All aspects of faith have been revealed to us by Jesus. He revealed everything we know about the Father to us. He is the Yes and Amen to all God’s promises. He endured the pain of the cross and did not think twice about the shame of crucifixion. Emulating Jesus, we too should bear the cross that we face in our lives. The cross bore Jesus while we are called to bear the cross or to endure the suffering that life has in store for us for the joy of uniting with the Lord in heaven.
We need to focus not on other men or on our circumstances or challenges of life but on Jesus, the locus of our faith. He will give us grace and strengthen us in our weakness. He initiates and completes our faith. On the cross, every single drop of blood in His body drained out. It implies that He gave His hundred per cent so that we can be victorious in 360 degrees or in all aspects of life. Jesus is omni-competent to help and enable us to be victorious in life. He who conquered death is alone able to help others overcome the challenges of life and of death. We can confide in Jesus and entrust all our concerns, our anxieties and our burdens. He will certainly lighten our load and enable us to complete our journey of faith. In the journey of faith, the first shall be last and the last shall be first. We only need to complete it without giving up on our faith.
Christ is no longer on the cross but He sits at the right hand of the Father on a throne. He reigns over our lives now. He takes pleasure on working in us as a master craftsman works on his handicraft. He perfects us so that we can be presented blameless to the Father, as a finished work without flaw. He shares the glory of the Father and while we have glimpse of it now, we would share in that glory in due time. Since Christ has drank the cup of sorrow, we no longer need to drink from it for He has reserved the cup overflowing with joy for us. In His death on the cross, He has broken the power of death, the power of sin, the power of curses, the power of disease, the power of sorrow over our lives and so liberated us, equipped, empowered, enabled for eternal life and salvation.
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