UV 3167/10000 The Alpha of Divine Teaching
For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
Luke 12 v 12
In the book of Proverbs, it is written that the apt word for the apt occasion is like apples of gold in settings of silver. The uni-verse tells us that the Holy Spirit will teach us what we should speak at the appropriate time. When we yield our tongues, ears and minds to the Lord, the Holy Spirit will be our Teacher. He anointed the tongues of Peter and the other apostles such that their words inspired awe of God, hope and eternal life in the hearers. When the Holy Spirit controls our tongues, our otherwise unruly tongues that set our lives on fire, become instruments of peace, healing and deliverance. Our tongues become the rudder and helm of our lives. We will steer clear of needless controversy, arguments, conflicts, ego clashes and stay on the straight and narrow path lit up by the Word of God.
In the natural, the mouth of man can be the gate of hell. It ensnares him with the very words he speaks. But, once the Holy Spirit controls our tongues, it becomes a fountain of life and the words of wisdom that we speak become a source of blessing to many. The Holy Spirit will bring to our minds the applicable truth of scripture fitting for our need or the need of the hearers. Our words have life-changing and transforming power. The early believers were anointed with the Holy Spirit and He was manifested as “tongues of fire,” symbolising that the destructive fire of our words and mouths are replaced by the life-giving, life –empowering, life-enhancing spiritual fire of purification, sanctification and perfection. Hence, St James declared that the man who can control his tongue is perfect.
A student cannot learn without listening intently to the teacher. Likewise, we need to be silent in the presence of the Lord for the Holy Spirit to teach us. We should cease to speak on our own authority even as Jesus listened to the Father and spoke only what the Father wanted Him to speak. Listening is the best part of communication but often it is the most neglected. We need to not only look to the author and finisher or perfector of our faith but we need to open both our ears to the Lord by commanding it “Ephatha” or open while commanding our restless tongues to remain still. We need to imitate Jesus who listens more frequently and speaks rarely. Our minds are mints for the Holy Spirit to produce the currency or coins (words) of faith while our hearts are the furnace to refine our words and free it of evil.
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