UV 3186/10000 The Covenant to Stop Afflictions
Thus saith the LORD; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more.
Nahum 1 v 12
Sometimes people get so tired of being afflicted that they cry out to God, “Lord, enough, no more please!” The uni-verse above shows us that since we have a covenant-making God, we can make a covenant or solemn agreement with Him that we would pay attention to everything He says to us and that He need not try to get our attention or try to discipline us any longer with afflictions or trials and troubles. The Lord can pass through the most powerful array of forces in the universe or the most powerful army and throw them into utter rout or disarray as He did with the cavalry and chariots of Egypt in hot pursuit of the newly liberated Israelites. But He promised the hapless Israelites that “From this day you will no longer see the Egyptians, your former masters.” Ever since, Israel up to this day has never come under the sway or rule of any Egyptian power.
The ancient Jews suffered many troubles during their forty year sojourn across deserts and rivers to reach the promised land as their hearts were not focussed on the Lord who had called them out of slavery with many mighty acts. The journey should have only taken a fortnight if they had moved on the shortest path to Canaan. We too needlessly take a circuitous route in our path to our promised lands. The Lord does not wish to afflict us without reason even as a loving parent never chastises, rebukes or punishes an erring child beyond what is absolutely necessary for his correction and betterment. We should not be like stubborn mules who would obey only if a ring pierces its noses or in other words, after suffering great pain. Some of us carry our stubborn attitudes and pride with us to the very end while the word instructs us to be simple and humble like a child.
Even Elijah, the great prophet or Israel as well as Job cried out to the Lord when they were afflicted. The Lord never tests or afflicts us beyond our strength to bear and endure. It proves easier and less painful when we willingly surrender ourselves to the pruning and correction of the Lord. The Word is a painless way of correction of humanity as we submit or acquiesce in the will of God and allow ourselves to be disciplined by the Spirit of God. The Word gives us access to the wisdom of the Lord and keeps us out of unnecessary trouble. It will also increase our innate capacity or strength to bear hardship. The enemy of our souls often targets some people as he did with Job to try to demotivate them. When we enter into a "stop affliction sub-covenant " the Lord puts a hedge around us if not His arms to preempt or prevent the enemy's aggressive intentions from hurting us. Once when I went through a series of afflictions in quick succession, I too cried out to the Lord, " No more. Just tell me what to do and I will do it . I will be sensitive even if You give me small warnings and signs." Needless to say, the Lord kept His side of the bargain while I am not sure I have always kept my own commitment to listen, to be sensitive, responsive and obedient.
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