UV 3165/10000 The Alpha of the Overheard
Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
Malachi 3 v 16
If we are focussed on a certain thing, we would speak often about it. If we are focussed on the world, we would often speak about our worries, fears, anxieties, goals and aspirations. If we are focussed on the Lord and His word, we would often speak to those who are near and dear, our companions and friends about Him. This uni-verse tells us that the Lord overhears our conversations about Him and finds great delight in it. He even records what we hear even as we record what we value either as an audio file or in notings in our journals. So we learn that not only is the eye of the Lord and the hand of the Lord is upon us but His ears are inclined to pick up what we say of Him.
Jesus during His earthly sojourn asked His disciples what they thought of Him. He was not interested in what the rest of the world thought of Him but He was keen to hear what Peter and the other apostles thought of Him. In fact, He appreciated Peter when he said, “ You are the Messiah, the One sent to save mankind.” Our words matter to the Lord, our opinions matter to Him. As often as we remember His Name, His Person, His attributes, His words, His actions and reactions, Jesus is delighted. He is Immanuel and is God Present in and with us. After the resurrection, He showed His concern for His followers being saddened or perplexed by happenings. He appeared incognito to the two unnamed believers walking on the road to Emmaus and conversed with them. He was touched by their sadness at His death and wanted to comfort and set their hearts at peace. He explained to them that these things, meaning His death on the cross was prophesied even as His resurrection was prophesied.
The Lord is so attentive, mindful of us, a sign of His infinite love for us. We should therefore, realize that whenever we are speaking to another, the Lord is listening. Our words should be run through many sieves or filters, weighed against the Word of God before we utter any, that it will be worthy of His listening. Our words should be reflective of the fruit of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. We would then not say anything that will grieve the sensitive and gentle Holy Spirit. The very thought that He is present and listening would ensure that we are careful what we say to each other. As scripture says, " We will order our conversations aright." When our conversations are directed at God, our lives will be directed by God. When we share our testimonies of how the Lord has helped, delivered, healed, blessed, enlarged, strengthened, taught or corrected us, He is listening and smiling. He records our words in His book of remembrance. To think and talk upon His name, His person, His words, His actions and reactions is strength to us and delight to Him. Hence, we should not shy away from speaking often about the Lord at every opportunity we get.
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