Saturday, April 13, 2019

Authority Over Death

UV 3228/10000 Authority Over Death

Shouting, “ Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.”
Luke 19 v 38

Other kings or leaders of humanity came on their own names or in their own authority to establish their own peace and greatness on Earth. Jesus alone came in the name of the Lord God of heaven and Earth. He, the Scion of Zion, the Lion of Zion, has the legitimate authority of the Father who sent Him on a mission to Earth to establish the peace of heaven on earth, attain the highest glory or greatness among all mankind ever born. Being the scion of Zion, He could have come on His own authority but He repeatedly said He came on the authority of the Father, to glorify His Name, not His. In so doing, He humbled Himself and glorified the Father in heaven. The peace of Heaven or the favour of the Father rested on Him.

The Palm Sunday procession marked the coronation of Jesus. He had no earthly crown or kingdom or courtiers but the common people who had seen, heard and experienced the impossible and glorious things He had done in the name of Jehovah voluntarily and wholeheartedly adored Him like no other earthly king. Everyone did what they could. The donkey’s owner lent the Creator His creature- the donkey. The disciples lent their robes and clothes to make a saddle for Him to sit. The common people laid down their robes on the road and waved branches of palm signifying that this King was enthroned in their hearts as the King of peace and righteousness. He came to serve and not to be served. He gave them the peace of Heaven and access to the glory, power, majesty of God.
Jesus the King of Kings did not come riding on a horse but humbly on the young colt of a donkey as it was prophesied by Zechariah, the prophet. The people were recognizing Jesus as their Messiah and Lord for He alone could resurrect the dead as He had called Lazarus from death. He had proved to all that He had authority over death even as He had authority over life. All kings had surrendered meekly to death but here was One who could order death around. He could therefore command His own death and resurrection. We who now believe in Him are greater than conquerors like Alexander, the Great for in identifying with His death and resurrection, we too have conquered death and the fear of death. Whatever be our first name and last names, our middle name is Lazarus. We have been authorized by Jesus to rise from death. We celebrate Jesus. Our praise lifelong is the rent we pay to Him for cultivating His vineyard.

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