UV3226/10000 The Shaping of Time, The Moulding of Lives
Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things which have not been done, saying , “My purpose will be established, and I will do all that pleases Me and fulfills My purpose,”
Isaiah 46 v 1
Only God knows the end from the beginning. He not only knows but He declares in advance what is yet to happen. He is the only One whose sovereign will rules over all of history. His knowledge is complete of events yet to unfold. He holds our future in His hands even as He holds us in the present and held us in the past.
Scripture holds the outline of history. Most of the unpredictable events of history, for instance that the nation of Israel would be formed against in this world after nearly 2000 years of the Jews being dispersed in all directions. Likewise, the manner of the birth of the God child Jesus, His life, death and resurrection were predicted centuries ahead of it. Through the exercise of the office and gift of prophecy, the Lord reveals ahead of time what is yet to happen. Before a moment in time occurs, it already is known in its totality by the Lord. He can prevent, pre-empt an event or He can cause it to happen. Nothing can thwart His will once He has set His mind to it. Yet it is amazing that prayers of frail people like us can have an influence or effect on Him to either expedite, prevent, permit, control an event. As a Father listens to His young children and grants their desires, The Lord makes Himself sensitive, responsive and vulnerable.
The Lord declares His purpose for our lives and we need to align our purpose and our plans with His plan and purpose. He is the prime mover of our lives and He decides what pleases Him. In alignment with God’s perfect will, Jesus did many difficult things like enduring the suffering preceding and during His painful agonizing crucifixion on the cross of Calvary, fasting and praying for forty days and nights, withstanding the temptations of the enemy of our souls. He also did many impossible things like walking on the water, multiplying loaves and fish to feed the hungry, giving sight to the blind, hearing and speech to the deaf and mute, healing the lame and paralysed, bringing to life the dead. The Lord did these difficult and impossible things to prove or establish the will of God that all mankind be saved from sin, judgment, curses, suffering and punishment. Even in our personal lives, the Lord has done many difficult and impossible things to prove and establish His purpose and carry His plan for our lives to fulfilment. In order to strengthen our faith, we need to remember the former things that He had declared in our lives and give thanks and praise for it whether it was a difficult trial that we endured by grace of the Lord or the impossible things that were done for or through us to reveal the glory or majesty, power and sovereignty of the Lord.
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