UV 3242/10000 Gainful Losing versus Vain Gains
Whoever finds his life (in this world) will (eventually) lose it (through death), and whoever loses his life (in this world) for My sake will find it ( that is, life with Me for all eternity).
Matthew 10 v 39
From our early childhood, we develop a zeal to gain things for ourselves. But this uni-verse asks us to develop the zeal to loosen the grip of such zeal and focus on losing things from our lives that Christ does not want us to have. Christ focused on losing His life in this world to redeem the whole world. In response, we need to focus on losing the things that He wants us to lose- our anger, our lust, our selfishness, our greed, our fears, our lack of sensitivity and gratitude, our discontentment, our hatred of others and our excessive love of ourselves, our pride, our egos, our desire to proven right all the time, our refusal and stubbornness in accepting correction, our foolishness, our hastiness to speak, take decisions and regret later.
When we develop this Christ-like laser focus on losing the things the world has conditioned us to accept, He will restore to us the true, new and eternal life that Jesus gives. He will add to our lives the things that we should gain- the nine fruit of the spirit, the gifts of the spirit, our true spiritual calling or office. Like St Paul we will consider the things that we have lost as garbage. Garbage out, God’s grace in- GIGO. We will be focused more on contributing, , sharing, giving, serving, edifying others and not on shoring ourselves up, on feathering our own nests.
Losing is a lot like pruning. The parts of our lives that are not fruitful are subject to pruning. We submit ourselves willingly and cheerfully to the Holy Spirit to examine us and to remove from our lives any dross of all that contaminates, all that displeases the Lord. Our bodies need an annual or biennial medical examination but our souls need a daily examination by the Spirit of God.
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