Thursday, May 30, 2019

@ Etude- Satisfaction

@ Etude- Satisfaction

The earth sprouted and abundantly produced vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, according to their kind; and God saw that it was good and He affirmed and sustained it.

Genesis 1 v 12

After every day of work or creation, God evaluated what He had created and drew satisfaction from the work of His hands. He affirmed it or in other words willed that it continues to exist and flourish. He is not only the creator but the sustainer. Likewise, whatever we attempt in our professions or lives should be satisfying. Life satisfaction is far more significant than mere job satisfaction. True success lies in being able to look back at our lives or at our work and say, “ It is good. I have fulfilled the purpose for which God has created me and sustained me.” We will be able to say it if we put all our God-given potential to use, employed all the gifts and talents and opportunities the Lord placed at our disposal for the service of His creatures of which man is the crowning creation.

The difficulty is that our lives happen not all at once, in bits and pieces, day by day, moment by moment, event by event. We need to piece together the mosaic of ups and downs, the highs and lows, the routine and the eventful, the significant and the insignificant. Not just at the end of our lives but at the end of every day, we need to introspect, examine and evaluate what we did that day. Have we moved a notch, a day closer to fulfilling our life’s purpose. The purpose the Word defines – to multiply and be fruitful. To multiply not just in numbers or in terms of wealth but in terms of peace, the fruit of the spirit, the qualities of character, to be a positive influencer of the ones we work with and live with. We owe it to our Creator, Sustainer, Redeeemer, Affirmer that He draws satisfaction from whatever we think, say and do.

Jesus is called the “Yes and Amen” to all God’s promises. In other words, He is the Lord of Affirmation. He redeems, sustains, encourages and enables us. The promises contained in the Word, (both Old covenant and New) are meant to sustain us, to affirm us, to tell us that we are on the right path despite all the red herrings the enemy throws on our way. The Holy Spirit is given to us to encourage and equip us. Prayer and the Word of God are the means of accessing the affirming, sustaining grace of Jesus, the promises of God, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

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