Tuesday, May 7, 2019
You-You Faith
UV 3251/10000 You-You Faith
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both adversity(misfortune) and good (prosperity, happiness) proceed?
Lamentations 3 v 38
We can co-relate this uni-verse with the verse quoted by Jesus Himself in response to the temptation of satan to convert stones into bread , “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. “ The words of God according to this uni-verse sets in motion both adversity and prosperity. When we hold the word of God in our hearts and speak it from our mouths, we are releasing strength in ourselves and others to bear adversity or to develop endurance and to enjoy prosperity without losing focus. The Word is alive and active to our life situations. It is practical and dynamic to adapt to both adversity and prosperity. The word is the leitmotif or the continuous thread that connects the disjointed parts of our lives, the good and the bad times. Both pleasure and pain become meaningful for we are amenable to learn during both these seasons. Like a chequer board, when we are on the white square or times of prosperity we prepare for the black square or times of adversity and vice versa. Like Joseph, in times of abundance, prepare for famine. We are not time servers but God’s servants. We place our relationship with God far above our mundane circumstances and do not allow our faith to swing like a pendulum. Instead, we find our anchor or the source of our strength, equilibrium, stability and peace in Jesus. Our faith is not an “yo-yo” faith but a “YOU-YOU faith” that expresses dependency on God at all times. Further, our faith anchor is tied or chained in an unbreakable way to the Word of God. Every verse we learn, claim, believe, apply, obey, meditate on is a link in this chain. No wave of prosperity or undercurrent of adversity can displace, misplace or replace either the chain or the anchor.
The Word exhorts us to rejoice in all circumstances whether adverse or prosperous. We need to rejoice in prosperity and offer unto the Lord continually praise, thanksgiving and worship. We are filled with godly joy or the peace of heaven or bliss. When we undergo fiery trials, difficult days and circumstances, we are asked to rejoice again. During such times, our minds and bodies may be in agony or great pain or discomfort but our souls or spirits are even more intimate or close to the Lord. Our souls are greatly strengthened and we are sanctified through such suffering like gold or silver in a furnace. Our faith is tested at such times. If we are truly faithful, we are able to sing, “All is well with my soul.”
God is not only the King of good times but He remains on the throne in our bad times or times of adversity. His words are equally applicable and relevant in both good and bad times. The Lord does not wantonly or willingly bring sorrow to our lives nor will He allow it beyond our strength to endure nor does He subject us to suffering endlessly. His redemptive grace or power is available to us at all times. Adversity is also needed to prove the faithfulness of God. Unlike people, He does not leave us or forsake us in times of adversity. He sticks to us thicker than glue, closer than our own skin. His words become deeply meaningful and effective in healing the wounds of our hearts, the deep scars that human eye cannot see.
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