Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Stellar Leaders in Pole Positions

UV3256/10000 Stellar Leaders in Pole Positions

The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

Deuteronomy 28 v 13

The Lord created man for “dominos” or headship, leadership but we need to first accept Him as our immediate and ultimate Leader. When we do so, He makes us His Tabernacle of Peace- or T.O.P. God revealed or manifested Himself as the leader of humanity in the coming in flesh and blood of His Son, Jesus. Jesus is the password to life, leadership, management, the Passover from death to life, from darkness to light, from folly to wisdom, from ignorance to knowledge, from curses to blessings, the passport to heaven, the kingdom of God or the rule of God on Earth. As the password, He unlocks the secrets of life and leadership. As the Passover, He has paid the price, the cost of purchasing eternal life for us. As the passport, He gives us instantaneous access to the presence of the Lord. Jesus is the way for leaders to excel.

When we give priority to the word of God on a daily basis, when we carefully study and observe or obey the commands, believe and claim the promises of the Lord, we are equipped to be leaders. The Bible is certainly the best leadership training material and the best leaders in world history like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa have been deeply influenced by it. They learnt how to avoid the pitfalls of leaders by avoiding the failures and mistakes of biblical leaders and likewise, to emulate the good example of Jesus and other leaders. They did not swerve to the right or the left but stayed on course like arrows till they hit the target or the objectives set for them or set by them. Power, even absolute power would not corrupt such leaders for their hearts are always tuned to be right with God- to be meek even if powerful.

The uni-verse tells us that we are destined for leadership and not just ordinary leadership but for the top positions or the pole positions. It also tells us the Lord plays an active and continuous role to move us into the top positions. Before He does that He prepares, trains, enables, equips us to be faithful leaders as He did with Moses, Joseph, Gideon, Deborah and many other biblical leaders including the apostles of Jesus. We are not meant to be tail enders or the insignificant leaders who hold up the tail but the frontline leaders. We are not losers but winners and overcomers. We do not run away from responsibilities or challenges. We tread difficult paths in order to encounter the impossible at the end. Circumstances might change at the toss of a coin but our commitment will not flag. Heads, we win. Tails, also we win. But what we desire most is to win souls for the Lord.

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