UV 3325/10000 Do Not Mix the Old with the New
But no one puts a piece of unshrunk ( new ) cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and worse tear results.
Matthew 9 v 16
In this uni-verse, Jesus is asking us not to mix our old beliefs, values, habits, reactions with our new ones. We are saved to be transformed and not transformed to be saved. The “ new wine” that is poured into us for such transformation is the Holy Spirit who aids, directs and speeds up the process of constant renewal. We should discard our old garments and wear the pure white new clothes that Jesus has provided for us in the form of salvation. The Word contains the new information meant for our transformation. We need to imbibe it, drink it like wine, allow it to enter our innards and begin the transformation from deep within our souls. We cannot live a life of contradiction or inconsistency with some worldly and some “wordly “ attitudes.
Our perspectives and priorities are the first things to be transformed. We are not living to fill our bellies or satisfy our physical needs but our physical needs are to be met for a greater and higher spiritual purpose- to live the new life marked by love, faith and hope. Love of self is to be replaced entirely by love of God and love of others. We need to love the latter as much as we formerly loved ourselves. We need to trust the Lord as much as we trusted our “sight” before, our sense and senses. We need to hope about things that cannot be perceived and are not limited to the ability of our senses to perceive them.
We need to give up on our ‘self will’ or ego and allow Christ to rule in us, rule over our thoughts, emotions, desires, decisions, efforts, plans. While earlier we lived in pursuit of success, we live now in pursuit of godly significance. We see everything from an eternal perspective. We do not rely on our own wisdom, knowledge, abilities but the leading, guiding, correcting, providing hand of the Lord. While earlier, we wanted to prove ourselves, vindicate ourselves, avenge ourselves, we now leave it in His hands. The Lord does not do a patchwork or repair here and there in our lives but He sees us as a whole and not in parts. He does a deep work in our inmost being and that leads us to being a new or transformed creation.
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