UV 3332/10000 Inner Light and Its Great Benefits
The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear (spiritually perceptive), your whole body will be full of light (benefitting from God’s precepts)
Matthew 6 v 22
Uni-verse is a verse by verse, precept by precept study of the scriptures. In this uni-verse, Jesus underlines for all time and all people, the importance of human perception. What the eye does not see, the mind does not know. Adam and Eve fell from the eternal state of bliss as they allowed what they saw- the beautiful fruit and allowed what they heard- the deceptive words of satan- to determine their perceptions and their choice. We are warned in this uni-verse that we should not be guided by our physical sight and led into hasty ill considered choices but our spiritual discernment based on an understanding of the Word of God should guide our physical perception and choices.
When spiritual perceptions guide our thoughts, emotions, decisions, desires, our whole being, spirit, mind and soul will be full of light. In contrast, when we allow our physical perceptions to determine these powerful dimensions of our inner being, lust and evil will dominate our life, fill our whole being with darkness, ignorance and the arrogance of ignorance. No one delights in darkness but in the light. Likewise, when we delight in learning and applying or obeying the precepts of God, revealed verse by verse in scripture, we will experience all the benefits – enhancement of our holistic health, establishment of our peace, our choices and decisions will lead us to prosperity or well being through integrity and not through the works of darkness or deception.
Jesus is not referring to our physical vision that makes the world alluring but to the eye of our heart. The eye of our heart is where reason, perception, discernment and faith meet to create a window of light. In the absence of such light being let in, we live in darkness- meaninglessness, powerlessness, purposelessness, no sense of direction. When we flail around inn such darkness, we cannot but fail. Allowing Jesus who alone in history revealed Himself to be the Light of the world to rule over our hearts will ensure every part of our being is flooded with light.
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