Monday, August 19, 2019

Goal Setting and Accomplishment

UV 3326/10000 Goal Setting and Accomplishment

I press on toward the goal to win the (heavenly ) prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4 v 14

We, as believers in the finished work of Christ on the cross, should focus on what lies ahead and forget what lies behind us. We need to set goals that are tied to the higher goal of the glory of God. We need to press on toward the goal and persist day after day, filled with hope and faith. The Lord has transformed our destiny from being sinners to being winners. Our one focus is to win the crown of eternal life. Eternal life is the ultimate blessing, the greatest blessing a man can obtain.

While pressing on toward the goal of eternal life, we are expected by the Lord to set for ourselves goals that will help us excel in every area of life. A goal without a practical and specific time bound plan is only an aspiration, a wish. Our goals should be tied up with such specific plans. A plan remains useless unless we act according to it. We need to press on with implementing it hour after hour, day after day relentlessly, perseveringly. The Lord as Ebenezer helps us with His resurrection power, encouraging us with His word, inspiring us with the Holy Spirit. We experience in real time the wonders of His counsel and His grace as we persevere towards the goals set for us.

While working out the plan we have carefully prepared under the guidance of the Spirit of God, the Spirit of excellence that guided Joseph, the ruler of Egypt in a time of famine, guided Daniel , the administrator in a time of exile, we should consciously follow the principles of excellence the Word teaches us – being proactive like the maid who had enough oil till the bridegroom came, being persistent like the neighbor who kept knocking till he got the sugar he needed, going the extra mile willingly when asked by a senior or colleague or friend, redeeming time and opportunity, using every talent, ability, resource to the highest potential like the faithful servant. Once a goal is set, we should be like Jesus who set his face like flint towards the cross once it was confirmed that it was the Father’s will that He creates the possibility of redemption for all by His sacrifice. Jesus was set the greatest and toughest goal and task and He fulfilled it fully. If we model ourselves on Him, we too will accomplish whatever goal is set for us, either by ourselves or by others.

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