Thursday, December 26, 2019

More than Sparrows, So Why Sorrow

UV 3425/10000 More than Sparrows, So Why Sorrow
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than sparrows.

Matthew 10 v 31

Man is in God’s sight the crown of His creation and therefore, of incalculable value in His eyes. Hence, He was prepared the price for the salvation of all mankind- a most valuable sacrifice of His Son. We need not fear but just need to have complete faith in the Creator and the Redeemer, His Son. Fear is from the enemy, Doubt is from the enemy, Insecurity is from the enemy of mankind. That enemy would have us believe that either that God does not exist or that if He exists that He is a liar whose word is not reliable. Faith is the assurance that we are safe in His hands, that He has His roving Eye of care and protection upon us, that all our needs can be met by Him and in Him.

If we regard ourselves as just another creature like the sparrow, we would not cherish our relationship with our Redeemer. We may not have wings like the sparrow but we are the undisputed master of His creation. Hence, though a mystery, God revealed Himself in history. Our hearts are an extension of the kingdom of God. He rules in us and through us. We should not allow our hearts to be pierced with the cares and sorrows of this world but anchor our peace, joy and hope in Him that no storm on earth can ever shake it or dislodge it or destabilize our lives, destroy our hope and faith in Him.

God has complete and absolute knowledge of us and what is happening in our lives. If He provides for the sparrow that does not sow or reap, will He not provide for us. If He keeps a count of all His creatures, will He not keep a count of the very hair on our heads. If we lose anything, it must be not for our loss but for the gain of our souls. Even if we die, we live in Him. We need not fear any enemy or force of nature. We need not equate our security with our finances or our titles or positions. He who has not denied the Prince of Heaven to us for our eternal redemption, will He withhold anything good or necessary to us?

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