Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Joy Multiplier

UV 3424/10000 The Joy Multiplier

You O God will increase the nation, You will multiply their joy; They will rejoice before You like the joy and jubilation of the harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil of victory.

Isaiah 9 v 3

God is not a joy killer but a joy giver and a joy multiplier. He promises to increase us, to multiply our joy. The uni-verse speaks of two types of joy- the joy of abundance, the joy of needs met and satisfied and the joy of victory or victory in life’s struggles, battles, challenges. The second type of joy is the joy of victory over our ultimate enemy, satan who has a claim over our souls because of our fallen nature. It is the joy of salvation or eternal life in Christ.

Whenever we are sad, it implies that we are under attack by the enemy who primarily targets our emotional state of mind and heart. Our heart gets divided by sadness and sorrow, our minds become unfocussed, our bodies become weak and listless. Hence, joy in Jesus is equated with strength for the Psalmist writes, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” If I delight in what the Lord delights in, it becomes a source of increase or strength in my life. JOY implies Jesus Owns You. Jesus as Lord and King of Kings takes responsibility for our lives. He will cause an increase, not a decline. We are glad we belong to the winning side of Jesus. We are on the right side of Jesus. We have both immediate and ultimate victory in life. Neither sin nor death can defeat us. Though Jesus became a Man of Sorrows for our sake and drank the full cup of sorrow that we should have drunk, we are now given a cup full of joy to drink from. We are part of a joyful nation, a joyful people, a people rejoicing always before the Lord. Circumstances do not determine our joy for our eyes of faith can see for certain the abundant spiritual harvest, the certain victory Jesus has blessed us with. The only thing we need to do is to trust and have faith in Him. Jesus is mighty now as Risen King of Kings, not meek as He was during His earthly sojourn.

In every season, our joy should be either the joy of harvest or the joy of victory. When we are joyful at the thought of the harvest of blessings we have received so far, we are thankful and praise the Lord from our hearts and souls. When we are joyful at the thought of the grace and strength received from the Lord to emerge victorious in our life’s struggles, we are grateful again to the Lord. Hence, our hearts should always be filled with either or both types of joy at all times. When we are joyful we are able to worship the Lord continually with all of our being.

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