UV 3427/10000 Three G Communication
As for Me, this is My covenant with them,” says the Lord: “My Spirit which is upon you (writing the law of God on the heart}, and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouths of your (true, spiritual) children, nor from the mouth of your children’s children” says the Lord, “from now and forever.”
Isaiah 59 v 21
Under the new covenant of love and not of law, the Holy Spirit writes the law of God concerning love on believing and trusting human hearts and not on stone. The Lord puts His words in our mouths so that it becomes a flaming sword which swings in 360 degrees preserving the seed of eternal life planted in us. The tongue is no longer is a sharp instrument to hurt or harm others but to induce spiritual life, faith, love for God and fellow creature especially for fellow humans. It is no longer a raging fire that can set forests or lots of people on fire. It becomes a channel of blessing and healing for the transmitter and the receiver of the messages from the Lord. We are no longer double tongued but are in possession of a double edged sword that penetrates not flesh but the spirit of man, the souls and heart of man. Our mouths will never cease to speak but will live stream the rivers of life that the seed of the Word gives rise to in our hearts. The rivers of life will start small like the Jordan but turn into a mighty torrent at times, a gentle river at times to water all kinds of trees or lives on either bank, the bank of the world and the bank of the spiritual realms.
The Word of God becomes “dounamis” or the seed of the life giving, enhancing and enabling power of God that enables us to face the dynamics or changing forces, factors and situations of our lives. We speak eternal life and hope into the lives of those who are our natural children of our flesh as well as children of the spirit. The Word is inactive or dormant when it remains between the two covers of the Bible or it remains silent in our minds. It is alive and active when we keep releasing it into the lives of people, we know or do not know. We need to keep sowing the seed and not just storing it. Our hearts and minds are the granary of the soul. But grain or seed is not meant to be merely stored in the granary but to be poured, measure by measure into the lives of the spiritually hungry.
The seed is useful to crush the head of the enemy to give us victory as we face the Goliaths of life. It only needs consecrated believing hearts and sanctified mouths to carry it all the time. Like a discharging weapon, the next round of life giving ammunition is then loaded. The uni-verse states the amazing fact that Word –internalising believers influence minimum three generations – ours , the generation next and the one after that, too. When we speak the word with prayer into the lives of those in our circles of influence, we are sowing into eternity. The seed will not be lost nor will it perish. The seed will multiply and satisfy the needs of many. We sow into eternal realms and ethereal fields that our eyes cannot see and our limbs cannot reach. In doing so, we become the Josephs, the governors and rulers in this foreign world called the earth, to whom whole nations of starving, spiritually anaemic and hungry people will turn to for succour and nourishment of their dry bones.
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