UV 3439/10000 Being a Prince with Principles
Each ( one of them) will be like a hiding place from the wind and a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry land, like the shade of a huge rock in a parched and weary land ( to those who turn to them).
Isaiah 32 v 2
Jesus as Kings of Kings, as eternal King, as King of righteousness, raises His children to be princes of His people. Moses was a prince of Israel, even as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A prince by His definition is one who lives by His principles. Each believer is a prince. He is to be a hiding place or refuge to people affected by the storms of life. He is to comfort and strengthen them even as the Lord is a refuge and shelter to all who come to Him by faith. He is to refresh others even as he is refreshed by the Lord. He is to be the rock that provides shade in a dry and weary land even as Jesus is the Rock of Ages.
We are to be the channels of blessings we have received from the Lord to the world. The light we have received we are to transmit to the world. The wisdom and grace we have received we are to pass on to others in need. The prince of Jesus is in sharp contrast to the leaders of this world who in practice follow the precepts of Machiavelli advocated in his book, “The Prince.” The inheritance we share with the Prince of Peace is primarily spiritual and only physical and natural to the extent needed to serve the spiritual purpose. We are to arm ourselves with the strength of Jesus. We are to wear the full armour He provides in terms of defensive and offensive weapons. The principalities of darkness or the princes of darkness shudder with fear when we speak His word for it pierces these like a sword pierces human flesh. When we follow the principles of Jesus, we have the peace of God or the favour of God in all that we are and all that we do.
The metaphor of the “streams of water in a dry land” in contrast to the metaphor of “shade of a rock in a parched land” stands for the soft and hard principles we are to follow in our lives. We are to be hard with the hard and soft with the soft or hard where hardness is required and soft where softness is required. He equips and enables us for our context and circumstances. When we follow Him, we both flow like a river and stand still like a rock.
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