UV 3431/10000 Unlimited but Practical Wisdom
But it is from Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God( revealing His plan of salvation), and righteousness (making us acceptable to God), and sanctification (making us holy and setting us apart for God), and redemption ( providing our ransom from the penalty for sin. )
I Corinthians 1 v 30
Jesus is the wisdom from God meant for our justification, sanctification and redemption. It implies that divine wisdom first on making us acceptable to God, then, it provides a way for being set apart or distinguished for God and finally, it provides redemption or salvation. Hence, justification is Chapter one in God’s plan, sanctification is chapter 2 and chapter 3 is salvation. Once we are justified or made acceptable by our personal acceptance of Jesus as a sacrifice for our sakes, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to point out the areas we need to change for the better, become like Jesus, perfect in real time like our Father in heaven. Since Christ Jesus dwells in our hearts, we have an obligation to reflect His image in our lives. He is the fountainhead and spring of the wisdom of God.
When Elisha, the follower of Elijah asked for a double anointing, the latter said it was difficult but possible when he was taken up. Elijah was a prophet while Jesus is God, Prophet, King. For Jesus to share His anointing of wisdom and power, it is not difficult. His anointing of infinite wisdom is unlimited and hence, we should be bold and confident in asking for more and more anointing and wisdom from the Lord. We have no excuse to lead an ordinary or insignificant or powerless life. We need to daily grow in His infinite but practical wisdom and manifest it in our lives. We need not limit ourselves to ask for a double anointing but with a divine discontentment and eagerness for more we can ask for more and more grace, power, wisdom and anointing of Christ in our lives.
We need a lot of wisdom to handle even our daily challenges. The good news is that the Lord has promised that if we ask for wisdom, He would invest it in us liberally or generously. The wisdom He gives us is not theoretical or philosophical wisdom or wisdom of the head but wisdom of the heart. It is not wisdom that comes from books or mentors or from reflection but wisdom that is gifted and that grows in us as we use it. The wisdom He gives is not flaunted but hidden and made manifest or visible in good fruit of spirit, character, words and deeds.
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