UV 3435/10000 Being Spirit Led
For if you are living according to the impulses of the flesh, you are going to die. But if you are living by the power of the Holy Spirit you are habitually putting to death the sinful deeds of the body, you will really live forever.
Romans 8 v 13
If we are led by the Spirit of God, we are children of God. If we are children of God we will be led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will empower and enable us to habitually put to death sinful impulses of the body. We will not live according to the dictates of the latter- the impulses but we will subject or submit ourselves to spiritual leadership. Our souls are freed from the natural law of entropy or the bondage to decay inherent in all matter. Our bodies are subject to decay and death but not our spirits when we are led by the Holy Spirit.
When we are led by the Holy Spirit, He will fill our hearts and minds with love instead of lust, with humility instead of pride. Instead of the spirit of fear, we will have the spirit of adoption or the spirit of children of God. Instead of slavery to sin and consequent guilt and curse, we begin to enjoy glorious freedom of the children of the house and not the enforced fear of servants or slaves of God’s household. We enjoy the rights and blessings of being co-heirs with Christ.
If we are called to enjoy the privileges and rights of inheritance with Christ of the Father’s kingdom, we are also called to share in the fellowship of suffering that Christ underwent for our sake. The suffering purifies and perfects our faith. We begin to perceive the value of being led by the Holy Spirit and not follow our own whims or impulses. The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us how to pray and how to lead our lives. He shapes our inner being so that we are transformed and conform to the image of the first born- Son of God – Jesus.
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