UV 3511/10000 Enter the Ark of Jesus
And God remembered and thought kindly of Noah and every living thing and all the animals that were with him in the ark; and God made a wind blow over the land, and the waters receded.
Genesis 8 v 1
Noah’s Ark was man-made. It was made of gopher wood. The Ark of Jesus is made not of wood but of the flesh and blood of Jesus. The Ark of Jesus is God-provided. Inside the Ark, Noah and other creatures had physical food but we have access to spiritual food, the word of God. The Noah’s Ark was sealed with bitumen while we are sealed with the blood of the Lamb and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the wind God sent over the land, the same Spirit who hovered over the darkness and chaos preceding creation and order brought in by the sovereign command of God. The Holy Spirit made the waters of the flood recede. The Holy Spirit can do the impossible. He can make the ravages of the current pandemic recede, diminish, disappear. But before that God should remember us and think kindly of the faithful Noahs of this generation.
The Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat while we rest on the Rock of faith in Jesus. We, therefore, need not fear or panic. The Lord is not only mindful of us, He not only remembers us kindly but He provides us the stable, rock-like secure foundation of the wisdom and grace of the wisest man, the wise Redeemer God- Jesus. We cannot be destabilized, moved to panic. We can have a safe exit from the world at the time of God’s choosing even as Noah and his family left the Ark when it was completely safe. Till we leave this world, we are to remain in the Ark of the new covenant- Jesus. We should hide, shelter, take refuge in Him by faith. Everything we do, think, speak we do in Him even as Noah and his family did everything inside the Ark for over an year. We live and move and exist in Him. The Ark was needed for only a little more than a year but we need Jesus all the time. It was Noah’s pre-flood disposition that won the favour of the Lord, likewise, it is our pre-pandemic disposition towards Jesus that wins the favour of God though it is never too late to repent and enter into the Ark of the new covenant –Jesus.
The Ark saved Noah and his family as well as species of all creatures while Jesus saves people of all races and cultures, all social strata. The rainbow appeared to Noah as a sign of the covenant of God’s faithfulness after the flood. It was a sign of the many splendoured compassion of God to remind Him of the covenant not to destroy humanity in a flood ever again. The rainbow over God’s throne described in the book of Revelation is a sign of the new covenant love of God. Noah relied on birds to confirm safe passage while we rely on the promises of God. After the flood, the world was renewed. Noah and his family were blessed to multiply and spread across the earth. All the species of creatures multiplied. New life began once again. Once we enter into relationship with God through Christ, we too become new creations, the old order has passed away, the new has come, the old nature has passed, the new has come. Noah and his family were given new laws to obey after the flood by God. We, however, have passed from the regime of laws to the regime of grace.
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