UV 3503/10000 The Joy and Power OF Resurrection
And as they went, suddenly, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” And they went to Him and took hold of His feet ( in homage) and worshipped Him ( as the Messiah).
Matthew 28 v 9
Good Friday was the day , the only time in history God was put to death on a cross while what is called Easter is the Resurrection Day, the only time in history, He came alive, the death was needed to enable man to obtain mercy, to overcome sin while the resurrection was needed to overcome death. At the first Easter in our lifetime, when the shroud of death is over all the world, all nations, all regions, all humans, we have hope on account of the resurrection of Jesus of overcoming Covid -19 and the threat of death. Instead of being cowed down in fear, bowed down in sadness, Jesus asks us to rejoice in Him, rejoice in His resurrection, rejoice in the hope of the eternal and abundant life we have in Him.
Every day after writing this devotion, I lie for sometime at the feet of Jesus to worship Him. It is a sign of total surrender of our lives. At this time, He lifts the burdens that hinder our character, the fears that hinder our faith. We are asked by scripture to cast our burdens at His feet and cast away the burdens that distract or hinder our faith. When fears, worries and sins are lifted, we are able to rejoice in Jesus. He extends His nail-pierced hands to lift our burdens, our fears and worries. We get to know the truth and we are set free by Him.
The disciples were returning to their home town in Galilee. They were burdened by the grief at his death. Jesus met them on the way and asked them not just not to grieve Him but to rejoice at His resurrection, the ultimate victory He had won over sin and death. Till then sin had reigned in man’s life through death but hereafter, grace will reign through righteousness. Jesus was going to reign in their hearts through His righteous word. When we are going our way, Jesus will meet us and ask us to rejoice, not to be weighed down by the world and its burdens. He gives us a lighter yoke or responsibility to bear. We do not have to change the world or even ourselves. We only need to surrender to Him. We need to yield to and not resist or resent purposive suffering or suffering that has a purpose to glorify God, to refine our character, increase our patience, make our testimony more effective and impactful. We have the example of Jesus who yielded to the cross but glorified God and brought potentially all mankind to God. The world was not made for Covid virus to rule through fear and death. It was made for man to rule through grace. By His resurrection, Jesus proved for all time that He has absolute power and authority over life and over death. Jesus now vests His resurrection power in us.
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