Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Triple Hope in Christ

UV 3513/10000 Triple Hope In Christ

O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time and forever.

Psalm 131 v 3

Israel is a unique nation. It is the only nation that can be traced back to one person as the father of the nation, Abraham. It is the only nation in history named after the God –given name of one individual, Jacob. The history of Israel reflects our own struggle to believe and relate with the Almighty God. David as a youngster calls upon Israel to hope in the Lord from then on and for eternity. In order to hope in the Lord, we need to humble our hearts before God. We need to avoid any pride in our look or our behaviour or attitude. We have to calm our fears, lay to rest our anxieties and insecurities. We need to trust the Lord like a weaned child trusts her mother that she would feed her what she needs. Our hope is not just for now, our lives on earth but also for the hereafter. David at the time he was composing or singing this Psalm was nourishing the hope of being King, succeeding the first king of Israel, Saul. Our hope is not only about our eternal home but also about fulfilling our triple calling to be priest, prophet and king before God Almighty on Earth. This is why Jesus prayed and taught us to pray , “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” The moment Jesus resurrected from death, the Kingdom of God had come on earth.

We need to prepare ourselves emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically to exercise hope in the Lord God. We do not know enough about the future but we can trust the Lord not just for our present needs, our future needs but for eternal life. As St Paul wrote to the Colossian church, “Christ in us is the hope of glory.” Believing that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith gives us the hope of salvation as well as to be restored to the glory, the goodness, the greatness of God.

Faith is about right sizing. We downsize our egos, our fears, our worries and upsize the image of God. We begin to see God for who He really is through what we know about His physical manifestation- Jesus. We humble ourselves before the Lord so that we no longer hold onto our own ambitions and desires as being more precious or important than what the Lord wants us to do. We are contented that we have gained godliness in Christ. We are inspired by the example of Christ, the suffering of Christ, the wonderful acts and words of Christ and are so filled with hope regardless of the circumstances surrounding us.

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