Monday, September 9, 2019

Absolute Power that Does Not Corrupt

UV 3342/10000 Absolute Power that Does Not Corrupt
Listen carefully: I have given you authority (that you now possess) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and the ability to exercise authority over all the power of the enemy (satan); and nothing will (in any way) harm you.

Luke 10 v 19

Jesus had sent seventy followers in pairs out into the cities and villages to bear good news of salvation. They were overjoyed to see that even demon possessed people were delivered at their word of command uttered in the name of Jesus. “ Serpents and scorpions are harmful spirits or demons that exploit the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of man. When the 70 followers reported back, Jesus saw the vision of satan falling like a lightning from heaven, meaning that the authority of satan over mankind was broken. He no longer ruled over the world. The word “authority” comes from author. The author of a book has absolute right and power of the characters and content of his book. LIkewise, Jesus, the Author of life has the authority to bless, to heal, to deliver, to command, to rebuke. He not only has the authority or power but He has delegated it to His followers to exercise it in His name.

Jesus revealed the authority of God by commanding spirits and healing all types of diseases and even altering or changing substances like He did by changing water to wine in the marriage at Cana and multiplying bread and fish to feed the multitude. He gave His followers the faith and the authority to exercise such power over the demonic spirits. The authority is like a blank cheque pre-signed by Him for the uni-verse states “ over all the power of the enemy.” He removed the sense of fear and apprehension of His followers that the spirits could harm or retaliate by saying, “ nothing will in any way harm you.” He sought to empower and equip His followers to do greater things than even He did on earth. We too should empower those we lead to do greater things than we could ever do instead of projecting ourselves as unique and non pareil. The sign of a true leader is such confidence that they are not threatened by the growth of their followers. Rather Jesus was overjoyed that their faith and spiritual knowledge had matured enough for them to challenge the deceptive authority and power of satan. Jesus gave His followers the authority to bless those who welcomed them and to withdraw that blessing when they did not. The latter He forewarned would have unpredictable consequences. Hence, one should not mess with someone who can bless us.

Jesus told His followers that the ones who listen to them are listening to Him and the ones who are listening to Him are listening to the Father. In this manner, He connects us with the omnipotent power and enabling grace of God, El Shaddai. We can pronounce blessing in His name and also rebuke in His name. The spirits would flee when we rebuke in the name of Jesus. We are to exercise such authority and the Lord will preserve us from all harm. Even lifeless objects as well as the dead will obey the authority Jesus gives us. Hence, He said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can command a mountain to move.” Faith like a seed does not remain small but keeps growing and we realize we have the authority or power to face bigger and bigger challenges even in the spiritual realm.

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