Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Multi-Fruit Bearing Tree

UV 3335/10000 The Multi-Fruit Bearing Tree

And he will be like a tree firmly planted and fed by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers and comes to maturity.

Psalm 1 v 3

A tree does not bear fruit for itself but for other creatures. Likewise, we humans who follow Jesus should be fruit bearing trees. We should abound in all types of fruit. Unlike a tree that can only bear one type of fruit like oranges, apples or bananas, we humans can bear a different type of fruit in different seasons like the trees in John’s Revelation that bear a different fruit every month of the year. We are to be fruitful in our work life, our home life, our creative life, our social life and our emotional life. But above all we should bear spiritual fruit of souls committed to God and the fruit of the spirit- of love with all the attributes described in I Corinthians chapter 13, of faith as described in Hebrews chapter 11, of joy as described in I Thessalonians chapter 5, patience as of Jesus, the Shalom or holistic peace of Jesus, the practical kindness of a Good Samaritan, the goodness of the Lord witnessed in His sacrifice on the cross for all humans, humility, brokenness, contriteness of a Moses, the self control or discipline of the Holy Spirit evidenced in Daniel and Joseph.

There are prerequisites or conditions necessary for a tree to bear fruit. It should be planted in fertile soil. Our souls are the soil of planting the seed by the Holy Spirit. The natural seed of our minds should be joined to the supernatural and spiritual Seed of Jesus who is dual in nature so that we can identify with Him and He with us in all our efforts for Jesus is both Son of Man and Son of God. This joining happens when we are born again in the spirit and make a personal commitment of our lives to Jesus. The seed dies to itself and lives to Christ. The tree on which the serpent hung and tempted the first man and woman was also cursed by God. The source of water from below the ground dried up and the earth produced thorns and thistles. That curse was broken when Jesus hung and died on the cross.

Praying is sowing, learning is ploughing, doing is growing. Once the seed dies to itself and lives to Christ, it begins to grow as we pray, learn the Word of God, practice it with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then the roots have to penetrate downward and outward and spread till its ends are always dipping in the streams of water or the inspiration of the Lord. The deeper our spiritual roots, the greater the winds and storms we can withstand. The wider they spread, the more nourishment we can draw from the ground. When we live by such faith and not merely by our tangible senses or six senses and our limited human reasoning, we grow not just spiritually but holistically in every dimension of life. All our branches of life- work, family, ministry, social network, our influence and legacy will spread in all directions and bear a variety of fruit that is useful for the rest of humanity. Even the words we speak which is similar to the leaves of a tree will not perish and fall to the ground but flourish in the thing we have spoken about. It will grow in the hearts and minds of the hearers to produce faith, hope and love.

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