Monday, September 2, 2019

Eternal Life and the 5 D New Life

UV 3336/10000 Eternal Life and the 5 D Life

Now this is eternal life that they may know You, the only true (supreme and sovereign) God, and in the same manner know Jesus as the Christ whom You have sent.

John 17 v 3

Through history, people have sought eternity or immortality in a variety of ways but Jesus in this uni-verse, part of His communication with the Father in heaven just before His crucifixion, defines what is eternal life and how to obtain it. Eternal life, He says, is knowing God, our Father in a personal and intimate way, knowing that He is the one who authenticates our lives which is otherwise a lie. He makes known His sovereignty, His majesty, His power, His grace and love in sending Jesus, the One anointed, chosen to save all mankind who believe in Him. We are now the restored image of God on earth and whatever we think, feel, do, we should realize we are reflecting His image, His glory, His power, His wisdom and grace on earth like a mirror reflects the rays of light from the sun that falls on it. Just as the computer has an ios or internet operating system, we have an iog in us – the image of God leading, guiding, enabling us to fulfil His purpose in our lives.

Other teachers like Buddha taught about the way- the eight fold path but Jesus became the path, the way of salvation and the way to salvation. HE fills the hole in our heart left by the disbelief of man in His Creator-Father and makes us whole. Disbelief in the true Word of God led to death ruling over the earth. Belief in Jesus as the Word of God restored eternal life. Just as life has some necessities like air, water, food, clothing, shelter, eternal life has some necessities provided by Jesus, the Way. Our food is the Word and this is the reason, John refers to Jesus as the Word became flesh. He gives us the full clothing of salvation. He is our spiritual shelter, our refuge in good times and bad times. Prayer in Jesus’s name is the spiritual equivalent of breathing. Jesus identified Himself with the basic necessities of man like He said, He is the light of the world whereby, He provides us inner light, direction, energy , power. He is the Water of everlasting life for when we drink of His presence, we pass from death to eternal life, from darkness to marvellous light. The old life lived in spiritual darkness had only three dimensions, mainly, the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

The uni-verse does not speak of the third person of the Trinity- the Holy Spirit but it is implied that once we accept Jesus as the Way to salvation or eternal life, the Spirit of God resides in us and equips, empowers, inspires, sanctifies, guides and leads us. In short, eternal life is a complete package, easy to comprehend and experience. We can now affirm in confidence and faith with St Paul, “ My God shall supply all my need according to His infinite riches.” We no longer have a scarcity mentality. We also reflect the omnipotence of God in terms of omni-competence in another assertion of St Paul- “ I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.” With all these internal changes, eternal life is also described as “new life”- we have a change of heart, a change of priorities, a change of attitudes, a change of actions, reactions and habits. The new life is a life pleasing to God, marked by the five dimensions or 5 Ds of Devotion – to God in terms of worship, Dedication to Work, Determination to Goals set, Diligence in learning, studying, understanding His Word, Discipline in habits. Such a Five D life is holistic and good for the spirit, mind and body. Eternal life is not something that starts after our death but it has a "here and now" relevance. It begins now but never ends. It satisfies our desire for love and power now as well as immortality.

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