Sunday, September 8, 2019

Giving God Hundred Per Cent

UV 3341/10000 Giving God Hundred Per Cent

Keep actively watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing but the body is weak

Matthew 26 v 41

The spirit is hundred per cent willing to obey God while the flesh is hundred per cent unwilling to obey Him and His word. Herein, comes the moral and spiritual dichotomy of man from the beginning of time. There is a struggle between our spiritual nature and our physical or carnal nature. It is reflected in the flawed choices we often make in life, the procrastination adversely affecting our work and schedule, the poor lifestyle habits that affect our health and well being, our lack of control of our tongues and temper, sexual temptations and so on. I recently heard of a senior doctor who owing to an alleged seduction by a servant maid when he was barely twelve was under compulsion to continue acts of adultery with medical students leading to his divorce. Though an avowed believer of Christ, it led to the destruction of his moral fibre, his mental peace and overall well being. By consistently deciding in favour of the flesh over a period of time, the spirit gets weakened. Jesus in this uni-verse asks His disciples, then and now, to watch their flesh and pray for strength to overcome the drag and pull of our inner being, towards the world and away from the Lord.

Jesus Himself, being dual in nature- Son of man and Son of God, living fully in the flesh even as He is Spirit Being from eternity, experienced the struggle between His spirit and His flesh but He consistently chose to go the way of the spirit. In this episode, just before the arrest of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus had exhorted His disciples to watch while He prayed. Yet, owing to their physical tiredness, the disciples slept off. Jesus then admonished them and asked them to pray for strength to overcome, to cause the spiritual to overrule the physical. When we pray, the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit will come to our help, strengthen our spirit to overcome the flesh and live in alignment to the will and purpose of God for our lives.

Every day is a battle for the believer in Christ between his inner spiritual being and his physical compulsions. We need to wear a defensive armour of many spiritual elements but we only need to be quiet, still and watch the Holy Spirit in action in our lives. The Holy Spirit is hundred per cent willing and able to help us overcome these compulsions that cause us to live the 3 D life of lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. He can empower, equip and enable us to live the 5 D life of devotion, dedication, determination, diligence and discipline. The 5 D life requires us to surrender the various members of our body and significant parts of our lives to the Holy Spirit. When we yield our otherwise uncontrollable tongues, we become gentlemen and ladies. When we yield our restless sexual organs, we become sanctified vessels. When we yield our invisible egos, we become humble and gentle like Jesus. When we yield our emotions, we become contented and joyful. When we yield our hands, our work is blessed. When we yield our legs, our coming and going are blessed, our feet which are the feet of a messenger become beautiful in His eyes and preserved from stumbling. When we yield our aspirations and plans, He helps us fulfil it.

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