Monday, September 30, 2019

Feeding the Flock

UV3362/10000 Feeding the Flock
Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

I Peter 5 v 2

A leader’s task is not to lead but to feed the flock. We become the flock of the Good Shepherd, when we listen to His voice, invite Him into our hearts. Thereafter, we grow to resemble sheep and the Good Shepherd Jesus in two aspects- humility and gentleness. We grow to maturity by living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We grow to become shepherds ourselves who feed the young lambs as well as the mature sheep the Word of God. The word is our daily manna. “Manna” has a hidden meaning, “Man, now apply.” The time to obey the word is now not later, to put into practice whatever the Lord speaks or teaches us from His word.

We should not lead the sheep reluctantly or with wrong motives of profiting from it financially. Freely we have received and been taught. Hence, freely we should give and teach. We should not use the influence we have over the “flock” to manipulate them, to discourage them but to encourage, edify, build their faith in the Good Shepherd. We must study, analyse and absorb the Word so that it saturates our minds. Our minds become the very mind of Christ and we learn to think, interact, speak graciously and wisely as Jesus. We are able to then give an apt answer to anyone who questions our faith or desires to clear his or her own doubts.

Initially and for some time, the flock can be fed “milk” or what is easily digestible by them but as they grow, they need more solid food that will strengthen their “spiritual bones”, that they exercise their own “faith muscles” more rigorously. They are trained in righteousness or the application of spiritual principles and precepts contained in the Word so that they become skilled workmen and the Word is a tool in their hands to help them handle any situation of life in an able and stable manner. We as well as those we are teaching or discipling become equipped for every good work. The Holy Spirit stands alongside us and guides us as we do the work of shepherds. He does not teach us all of it in one shot but line by line, precept by precept.

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