Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Decision Making and Declaring By Faith

UV 3350/10000 Decision Making and Decreeing
You will also decide and decree a thing and it will be established for you; And the light of God’s favour will shine upon your ways.
Job 22 v 28

When we seek the Lord as men would seek gold, silver and precious stones, we delight in Him. We will do what pleases Him. He will make us a co-ruler who can decree things for himself and the world at large. The power to decree is the power exercised by a sovereign or ruler. The Lord shares His sovereign power with us. He backs our decisions and enables us to see it to fruition or fulfilment. His favour or grace will shine upon us like the noon day sun if we submit our decisions to the Lord and declare the Word that backs our decisions by faith. For faith is calling into being the things that are not as if they are. It is a creative process for if we lack ability or resources or knowledge or contacts, the Lord will cause these to come into position at the right time and place.

The uni-verse states that the Lord will establish for us what we decide. It is not just our will power or ability but His will power and ability are behind our decisions. We have daily access to His absolute but uncorrupted power as well as His infinite wisdom and resources to put our decisions or plans into implementation or translation into reality. We will be greatly strengthened by His power working within us which is able to do far more than we can think, ask or even imagine. I have many testimonies in this regard of how the Lord’s power was at work in many of my key decisions. I would decree or declare that my decisions and efforts would be fruitful and eventually, it would so happen that it would create awe and surprise.
The white light of God’s favour upon our decisions and confessions of faith appear in many forms and colours like the constituent colours of the rainbow- VIBGYOR. We become enthusiastic and confident that our decisions are in the right direction and that the Lord is backing and establishing what we have decided. The word “ establishes” implies that the Lord lays a strong foundation for our faith and builds on it through a process where we see the hard evidence of the way He works things out for us. God is the only orchestra conductor who conducts the symphony of life standing behind the orchestra. But we should be filled with an awareness that He is in our midst and be overjoyed and grateful when we perceive the results of our decisions.


  1. Thanks for the valuable message on decision making. It helps as a guidance that we need on a daily basis.

  2. Wonderful explanation of the authority given to the children of God to decree.

    Sr Angelica
