Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Alpha of Dealing with Envy

UV 3013/10000 The Alpha of Dealing with Envy
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
James 3 v 16

In the second generation after Adam, the first crime of murder was caused by the envy in Cain’s heart for the favour of God upon his brother Abel. From that time, envy has grown, mutated and manifested as strife between people, between nations, between families and even within the same family among kith and kin. The enemy of mankind is the author of confusion and strife and he does it by sowing the seed of envy in the hearts and minds of people. Scripture states plainly that we are to pursue peace with all people and not be envious of the sinful or wicked who seem to prosper externally and during this lifetime but await judgement and penalty.

We are exhorted to pray and bless our rivals, foes, opponents that they prosper even more and not attempt to conspire against them to pull them down. Envy is like subtle poison that makes our hearts bitter even as Cain was bitter with both God and his brother. Instead of seeing that his brother came to no harm from any quarter, he became the instrument of murder. We are therefore, not to harbour ill will or resentment against anyone lest it swallow us in bitterness, strife and evil. We are to be contented with our divinely apportioned lot and not envy others for their apparently greater gifts, talents, blessings, possessions, influence or accomplishments.

St James prescribes in the very next verse the antidote for envy and envy-provoked antagonism or strife- spiritual wisdom. We should seek spiritual wisdom that is gentle, peace loving, full of the fruit of the Spirit of love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, peace, self control and humility, merciful, that makes us impartial, not showing undue deference to the rich and powerful or bias against the poor, weak and indigent, sincere and free from deceit and untruthfulness. There is a reason that wisdom is not listed in the nine fruit of the spirit as there are two kinds of wisdom- worldly or earthly, sensual and materialistic and spiritual wisdom that comes as a gift from the Holy Spirit. The nine fruit of the Spirit together constitutes spiritual wisdom that comes from continually sowing in the Spirit, watering with the Word, pruning or disciplining with the spirit of correction and improvement or sanctification. We are to be ruthless with ourselves so that envy remains rootless in our lives. The human heart and mind loves to envy, to compete, to beat others as witnessed in sibling rivalry even in a home. The grace and wisdom to overcome comes from the Lord.

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