UV 3004/10000 The Alpha of Deeds
He will pay back to each person according to his deeds.
Romans 2 v 6
The Lord is just and He promises to repay us according to our deeds. If we patiently keep doing good and seek His glory, honour and blessings, He will reward us duly in due season. Likewise, those who having tasted of His grace, continues to do evil or neglect to do all the good he can, would also suffer the penalty for such acts. His grace is indeed sufficient for us to cover our flaws and help us overcome our failings but it cannot be taken for granted.
St Paul states this principle of reward or retribution by the Lord in the expression, “ as you sow, so you reap.” Of course, His grace can exempt us from facing the consequences of our misdeeds. If we sow in the spirit, we will reap or receive spiritual blessings. If we sow in the flesh, we would reap or receive in the flesh the shortcomings of the lusts of the human body and mind. We should always fear the Lord and know that we are accountable as Jesus said for every word we speak, every deed we do, every thought we think. Jesus being very God or same as God had the spirit of the fear of the Lord- how much more should we as His followers have the spirit of the fear of the Lord. We ought to reverence His holiness, desire His perfection and do all we can to attain to it by His grace.
The Lord rewards us or penalises us with the same measure we use. This is however not to be confused with the concept of Kkkarma which is inescapable and relentless. While the Lord is just, He is also merciful and would quickly justify or correct us once we confess and seek His pardon. Like a true leader, He is quick to reward and slow to punish. Our beliefs should not just be intellectual but be reflected in our actions and reactions. The emphasis by the Lord on practising our faith is seen in both the old covenant as well as the new. Having tasted of the mercy, grace and power of the Lord, we are expected to be His witnesses not just with our words but with our good deeds.
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