Monday, July 2, 2018

The Alpha of Disobedience and Of Obedience

UV 2998/10000 The Alpha of Disobedience and of Obedience
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
Romans 5 v 17

By the disobedience of Adam to the expressed command and will of God, sin and death came into this world. The disobedience of one man was the root of the fallen nature of mankind. Likewise, the obedience of one man Jesus Christ, mankind is redeemed from the consequences of sin and death. Righteousness is now credited to our accounts. We are righteous by faith and by grace. Having received the righteousness of Christ, we in turn are expected to increasingly obey and be more and more righteous in our day to day lives hereafter. We are not to live by the standards of this world but by the standards set by Jesus for His followers.

The more we are rooted in Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the Word, the more we bend our wills to obey the expressed will of God, the fruit of righteousness will abound in our lives of love, joy and peace. As we are naturally children of Adam and spiritually, we are children of Christ, the enemy is always crouching at the door of our hearts to let him in and to listen to his subtle suggestions to sin and disobey. The Lord Jesus is also standing at the door of our hearts and asking us to let Him in and to listen and obey Him. While the sacrifice of Christ on the cross wins for us absolute absolution of our sin and frees us from the consequence of eternal death, the decision we take on whom to let into our hearts and lives on a moment to moment, day to day basis determines which way our life on earth progresses. We are called by Christ to reign over sin and death, to be victorious, to consistently make the right choice in our lives.

Someone rightly said the other day that when we are born again in Christ, our bodies and minds are not changed but our spirits that were dead are born again in us. We are to now feed our spiritual being on the pure milk of the Word and become strong and mature spiritually. Our spirits are now fused with the Holy Spirit and we should consistently make the right choices by listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Our spirits knows and reveals everything about us while the Holy Spirit will counsel us on how to mend or end whatever is wrong or in violation of God’s will in our lives.

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