Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Alpha of Execution

UV 3021/10000 The Alpha of Execution
And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
Joel 2 v 11

The Lord executes or carries out whatever He has spoken in and through His word. If He has spoken, we can be sure that He will carry it out accordingly. He has said that eye has not seen nor ear heard nor entered the imagination, the wonders that the Lord has reserved for those who trust and love Him. Hence, we can rest assured that He will carry out this word in due time. He is the Guarantor of His word. His power is immense and awesome. His Execution Quotient is hundred per cent. As for us, our execution quotient is low- we seldom do all that we promised or planned to do. We need to therefore learn from the Lord on how to enhance our ability to execute plans and promises. The enemy of our souls being a thief of time and opportunity however causes us to postpone or procrastinate. We end up not doing more than half the things we planned or promised ourselves and then, feeling frustrated, weak- willed, ineffective. We need the help or grace of the Lord to redeem our time and utilise every opportunity to the full. The uni-verse above states that the Lord has an army of angels and agents to do His bidding, to execute His will on earth as it is in heaven. He will if and when needed send His angels and agents to our assistance. What seemed like insurmountable problems or challenges, metaphorically referred to as mountains of our lives, will be levelled out. We are to actively and persistently seek a transformation of our wills or the power to choose wisely and execute effectively.

No word spoken by the Lord will fail or fall to the ground in vain. If it falls to the ground, it will fall as a seed that will bring forth a mighty tree with great fruit. We will do therefore well if we plant the seed of His word in our hearts and minds and constantly recall and nourish these seed till they sprout and bear fruit. Our faith is to a great extent based on the Execution ability of the Lord. His thoughts and ways being higher, infinitely higher than our limited thoughts or even imagination, we sometimes are apprehensive whether the Lord will be able to carry out that which He has promised us. We need to keep our inner ears glued to the Holy Spirit in order to hear and understand the will and ways of the Lord. Believers are called “living stones” not without reason . We are to carry out or execute the Lord’s instructions in four dimensions- physical discipline, intellectual determination, emotional intensity or passion focussed on our goal, spiritual grace. We are not to be weak willed or poor executors but strong and filled with the execution power of the Lord. A living stone does not remain static or stunted or limited but keeps growing in all four dimensions.

We can improve our own execution quotient if every day we list out the top priority goals and activities we have before us that day. We need to pray and ask the Lord for the strength and freedom from distraction and disturbance to carry out that which we have planned to do. At the end of the day, we need to review how many items on our priority list we were able to execute or carry out either wholly or partially. Based on it, we can work out our execution quotient. Say for instance, if we have done three out of six tasks, our execution quotient is 50 per cent. As days go by, we should aim for a higher and higher execution rate. We need to encourage ourselves with the example of Jesus. It is written that He set His face like flint towards His mission – the cross of Calvary. He executed the Father ‘s will in entirety and comprehensively. He trained His disciples to execute His word effectively, to carry it to distant shores and people.

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