Saturday, May 23, 2020

Seeding and Weeding

UV 3530/10000   Seeding and Weeding

And the field is the world, and (as for) the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the weeds are the sons of the evil one.


Matthew 13 v 38



                   The field is a metaphor for the world in which we live.   The field is ploughed with suffering and troubles of this life.  The good seed, the children of God who accept that Jesus is the son of the Divine Landlord,  are planted by Him.  We are sown, planted and established in Him, for Him, through Him.   The seeds are planted in the hope of some yield of grain or fruit or vegetable for the Landlord, the One who owns the land.   In contrast, the weeds are sown, planted, watered by the evil one. No yield of grain or fruit or vegetable comes from weeds.  For our lifetime, the good seeds will grow side by side with the weeds till harvest time when both are plucked, the good yield of the good seeds to go into the barns of the kingdom of God and the weeds are consigned to the flames.



             If faithful prayer and worship  is the water for the good seeds, the wind is the Holy Spirit, the fertilizer or the manure are the precious promises of God that stimulate our faith when they are believed, claimed and fulfilled.   The Word of God is the scythe that is used to cut both the good seeds and the weeds.   We should be careful not to allow the weeds to grow along with the good seed planted in us by Jesus.  We should be vigilant not to allow the enemy to come in the cover of darkness, stealth and deceit to plant the weeds in us.   Like the good seed, we should grow our roots deep into the subsoil of the soul.  We should soak in the water, feed every branch of our lives with the sap of His love.   We should absorb the sunshine of His wisdom and grace.   Grace, after all is God’s revealed answer for every hidden need of ours.   Plants do not cry out for every need of theirs but wait on the Farmer to provide whatever they need and whenever they need it.


              We should not be resentful when our lives are ploughed by suffering allowed by the Divine Farmer.   For the word says that even Jesus had His very back ploughed like a field to leave bloody furrows that washes and feeds the good seed.   We should however examine if some of the suffering is due to the weeds we have unwittingly allowed to grow or the enemy has cunningly planted in us.    To stretch the metaphor, not only is the world a field, each of us is a veritable field for planting either good seed or destructive weed.  Sometimes, even the weed disguises itself to look like good seeds.   The more we plant the good seeds found in the Word, the more good fruit we yield.    The more weeds we remove, the more is the space and nutrients available for the good seeds. Seeding and weeding are a dual process we should practice every day of our lives.  Like the good seed that yields, we should yield to the Lord, die to ourselves, our egos, our pride, our selfishness, our desires and live to yield good fruit for the Lord of the harvest.

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