3536/10000 The Humble Versus The Proud
Though the
Lord is exalted, He regards the lowly ( and invites them into His fellowship);
But the proud and haughty He knows from
a distance.
Psalm 138 v
The Lord practices social
distancing from the proud and arrogant but He is intimate with the humble. He examines the hearts of the former from a
distance of eternity and laughs at their foolish pride. But He rushes to the help and protection of
the humble who acknowledge Him and depend on Him for mercy and grace. At no time, will He desert or abandon the
faithful. We need to ask the Holy Spirit
to examine our hearts and minds and
discover if there is any trace of pride or arrogance in us which offends the
Lord who is most exalted, absolutely holy, immensely powerful and yet, is most
humble and gentle with the crown of His creation, the spitting image of His own
nature- human beings.
When we acknowledge God in all
our ways, we increase in knowledge, wisdom, truth and grace. He is in control of all our days and all
our ways. He directs our paths and not just
our feet. He guides us in our choices
or decision making. Scripture
reiterates in several places that He gives grace to the humble but resists,
opposes, defeats the plans of the proud and wicked. As He is
with the humble, they succeed in their endeavours and even should they fail in
anything God gives them the grace to bear or endure trials, hardship, disappointment,
setbacks so that they emerge better and stronger out of it. In short, the Lord turns difficulties into
blessings and opportunities.
The one thing on Earth that the Lord prices above all is the heart of
the humble and the one thing that He hates is the heart of the proud and insolent. The latter think that they are self made or
evolved people. They are obsessed with
their own desires and thoughts. They ignore their relationship with God, their
Creator and Father. They are not
repentant of their moral and spiritual shortcomings since they are self satisfied
or complacent about an abundance of material assets that they own or mundane power
that they wield. The Lord always gives
even such persons an opportunity to repent and return to Him. But the humble and faithful remain the apple
of His eye to whom He is committed to protect, provide and promote. He does it in His own way in His own time. The humble are patient and wait on the Lord
to act and lift them up from the pit of oppression or suppression.
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