Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Resurrection and Fruitfulness

UV3525/10000  The Resurrection and Fruitfulness

And they will come out- those who did good things (will come out) to a resurrection of new life, but those who did evil things will come out to a resurrection of judgement (that is, to be sentenced).


John 5 v 29



                   Jesus declared Himself to be the Resurrection and the Life.  In this uni-verse, He spoke of two types of resurrection- the resurrection of the faithful and fruitful in Him and the resurrection of the wicked for judgement.   Though good works do not save a person for eternity, the faithful are judged by the Lord in order to be rewarded.  One is expected to be both faithful and fruitful in good works.   We are deemed faithful when we hear the voice and words of Jesus, the only One who claimed to be the Resurrection or in other words, He has the power to resurrect us from the dead.  As a human who never did wrong and only did good, He also has the right to judge all mankind. 


                    Jesus went on to substantiate His claim that He is the Resurrection by enumerating to His contemporaries that they had the testimony of John the Baptist, the testimony of the Father, the testimony of the scripture and the testimony of the good works or amazing miracles He did.   Jesus never claimed all this on His own testimony or authority or on His own name.  He explained that the imposters would come in their own names, on their own authority, uncorroborated by the Father, by works, by other witnesses or by scripture or the Word.


                  We, therefore, have new life by faith in Jesus, His words.  The new life should be manifested in abundance of good works.   If we have faith but no fruit, we will be like the fig tree that Jesus found unable to satisfy His hunger or His hope of fruit being available.  We would only flatter to deceive as the expression goes.   God hungers to see good fruit of good works in our lives.  The primary good fruit are the fruit of character of God being visible or manifest in our lives of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control.  The secondary good fruit  are the fruit of good deeds done in the name of Jesus, for the glory or satisfaction of God.

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