UV 3528/10000
The Aroma
walk continually in love ( that is,
value one another- practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the
best for others), just as Christ also love you and gave Himself up for us, an
offering and sacrifice to God (slain for you, so that it became) a sweet
Ephesians 5
v 2
We should sniff ourselves
daily to check what is the smell our character, our deeds, our lives, our
testimony are exuding all the time. A burnt
sacrifice in the Old Testament days gave out a sweet smelling aroma. When we burn with zeal for God and in the
name of Jesus, we offer our lives, our daily routine, our work, our words, our actions and relationships to
the Lord, we begin to smell like roses in the nostrils of the Lord. The uni-verse states that we need to continually,
consistently, constantly walk in love, not just when we are feeling good, when
things are fine. We need to respect one
another, understand and feel the pain of others and reach out to them to help,
to heal, to pray, to counsel, to comfort.
While the world’s philosophy
is WIIFM or What’s In It for me, we should be inspired by the example of Jesus who
made His whole life a sweet smelling sacrifice to God, the Father. WIIFM is replaced by HCIBO or How can I
benefit others or how can I serve God better?
Like a bottle of fragrant perfume when broken fills the room in which it
lies, we should carry the aroma of Christ wherever we go, in whatever we think,
speak and do. The use of the olfactory or smell- related metaphor is to show that our faith and its expression needs to be real, grounded, impactful.
In sharp contrast, we should
also not think, say or do anything that is offensive smelling or produces disgust or revulsion in others. If our lives are pleasing to God, it will be
a blessing for others. Even our enemies
or foes will not find anything terribly bad to say about us. They might at best say that we are other
worldly, impractical, godly or over
spiritual. The waves of an aroma always
rise upward. Likewise, the praise or
appreciation and glory for our lives should rise continually upward to the Lord
and not remain with us.
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