Sunday, August 26, 2012

Freedom from bondage

UV 503/10,000 Exodus 20 v 2 Freedom from bondage Exo 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. The Lord our God is the one who brings us out of Egypt or the symbol of bondage. Each one of us have different types of bondage. It could be bondage to a certain way of thinking,false beliefs, a dead habit, a character flaw, an affliction or a constricting relationship. The Lord is the one who defined Himself as “ I AM”, the self existent, self sufficient and all powerful One. He is able to break every type of bondage in our lives as nothing or no one else can. If it is anger that affects us, “ I AM” can cure us of our anger. If it is fear, “ I AM” can deliver us of our fear and anxieties. If it is guilt, “ I AM” will forgive and cleanse us. The Israelites under Moses were physically delivered from the land of Egypt. “Egypt” implied a bondage that limited their choice of livelihood, their freedom of worship, their families, their future, their well being, their hopes of a bright future for their children. They were subjected to needless privation, torture, trauma, violence, humiliation and untold suffering. From the house of bondage, they were brought into the house of freedom. We need to pray and make our homes free from bondages of every kind. There are visible and invisible bondages. Every bondage needs to be broken in the name and power of Jesus. We need to make the journey from the house of bondage, Egypt to the house of freedom, Israel. Moses led the ancient Israelites on their physical journey. Moses as a younger man when he saw the injustice meted out to his fellow Hebrew, slew the Egyptian oppressor. He reacted emotionally and violently. Today, it is one much greater than Moses who leads us on our spiritual journey from the land of bondage into the house of freedom. Prateep V Philip

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