Friday, August 31, 2012

Write the Vision

UV 506/10,000 Rev 1 v 19 Write the vision Rev 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter The Lord expects those who have the ability to write to record what they have seen and experienced as faithful witnesses. We must remember what the Lord has spoken and done in our lives in the past, what He is speaking and doing in our lives now as well as what is prophesied for the future. Past, present and future –the three dimensions of time come together in this kind of writing. It also goes beyond time and is of eternal value. The Lord apparently believes in the importance of writing. The writing down of the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone with the very finger of God is a clear example of the Lord’s handwriting. The Ten Commandments contains the essence of the legal statutes of mankind across all nations. The twelve apostles were also chosen not just to evangelise the world but to leave a faithful and accurate account of what they saw, heard and experienced in their sojourn with Jesus the Christ. Together with the books of the Old Testament, the New Testament constitutes a complete His-Story of the Universe: an account of everything in the universe and beyond, how it was made, why it was made, the role played by mankind, the purpose of all creation. What John and the other apostles wrote down in obedience to the move of the Holy Spirit is so valuable in making known the heart and plans of God for mankind to this day. Similarly, what we record in our lives about our experience of the Lord is bound to inspire faith in others long after we are gone. I began recording my experience of God’s grace and mercy in this series captioned Uni-verse a year and a half ago with this intention in mind- to edify the church or to build the Kingdom of God through my writing. Maintaining a record of our prayer requests and the answers received over time from the hand of the Lord is a good way to testify as well as to boost our faith. As a young believer, I took the cue and maintained a prayer diary. On one side, I wrote “ I Asked” and on the other side , “ God answered..” Years later whenever I reviewed these old accounts, it became a source of renewed hope, joy and faith. Writing down a vision that we receive from the Lord is a good way to demonstrate our faith in the vision and to demonstrate to others the ways in which the Lord helps us fulfill the vision. Prateep V Philip

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