Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Greatest Source of Our Deepest Comfort

UV 1736/10000 The Greatest Source of Our Comfort
As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem
Isaiah 66 v 13

God is not affected by the gender divide. He is both mother and father, brother and sister. He comforts us as a mother. A mother literally smothers her children with love. The Lord also covers us, embraces us in all our situations. Just as a child is the apple of the eye of a mother, so also we are the apple of the Lord’s eye. His gaze on us is uninterrupted. He comforts us as we come into His presence. He comforts us with His soothing touch. He comforts us with His Word. He comforts us with His silence as we wait with hope in His promises. Just as our mother carried us when we were in the womb, the Lord carries us when we are older. The Earth, space and time are just like the womb of the Lord and we are being carried by the Maker- we live and move and breath and exist in Him. Faith enables us to affirm Him even as He affirms us: “My beloved is mine and I am His and His banner over me is love.” A mother reacts and responds to everything we do with love. So also whether we are doing good or are messing up, He responds to us with His infinite love and patience.

He comforts us by turning our failures and weaknesses into sources of learning, wisdom and strength. He changes all our waste places into places of blessing. He turns all our wild places into a garden of Eden. He turns all our deserts in our spiritual landscape into gardens or an oasis. He renews our flailing strength just as He stopped the ageing process in Caleb and made him as strong at eighty as he was at forty. He makes our bones to flourish. The anointing of the joy of salvation and continued fellowship and feeding by the Lord keeps us youthful in zest and energy and vigour.

A mother always desires the best for her children. So also the Lord desires the very best for each of us. But there the comparison ends for many mothers I know have forsaken their own children but the Lord is ever faithful and never forsakes or disowns His children. A mother comforts her children by her gentleness and softness. Similarly, the Lord remains gentle with us even when we have done or said the worst of things. A mother always blesses her children and uses words to edify or build up the esteem and confidence of her children. The Lord always builds us up in confidence and hope. A mother’s heart is most stricken and affected when her children are afflicted and feels their pain as her own pain. So also the Lord feels our pain and is moved by our cries. A mother is so sensitive that she understands the very sigh or look on the face of her children. So also the Lord is sensitive to our very thoughts, feelings and needs.

1 comment:

  1. Today's UV message is so encouraging and blessed.
    Nithu Alec
