339/10000 Broken Cisterns
For My people have committed two evils: They have abandoned (rejected ) Me, The fountain of living water, And they have carved out their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
Jeremiah 1 v 13
People carve out their own customs, traditions and practices after rejecting the Dayspring Jesus. Jesus revealed Himself to be the fountain of living water, water that will quench our thirst or meet our earthly need for refreshment and renewal as well as give us eternal life. The words of Jesus are the living water. We derive the principles of righteous living from the teachings and example of Jesus. Those principles shape our passion and give it a shape and direction. We will not be broken vessels as we once were when we lived in rejection of God.
We go to a fountain to obtain refreshment. Likewise, when we spend time in the presence of the Living God, we are refreshed and renewed. When our minds- our thoughts, emotions, will- are renewed, our spirits soar in joy. The yoke or responsibilities of this world will rest on our shoulders lightly. Since the Fountain is an inexhaustible source like an eternal spring whose water never dries up, we can return whenever we choose to Jesus. He will never send us away empty handed or dissatisfied. We as vessels appointed by Him carry His message of hope and love to our fellow human beings.
Abandoning God and embracing the ways and truths of man is the greatest evil from the perspective of this uni-verse. To follow the precepts and principles of any man, however good and wise is folly for any human’s wisdom and knowledge is bound to be very limited when compared with the infinite knowledge, wisdom and goodness of God. Though it might have the appearance of light and wisdom, it is a form of darkness. When such limited knowledge and wisdom rules over mankind, the result is faulty decisions, flawed relationships, broken lives, broken families, broken hearts and minds. The Apple Corporations symbol of the partial apple is ironically a symbol of such incompleteness, deficiencies, brokenness. There is something missing or broken in every human’s life but when we hand over this brokenness, incompleteness, lack of purpose and fulfilment to the Lord Jesus, He who has healed every type of brokenness from sin to premature death to incurable diseases, will heal us, too. We will no longer be broken vessels that cannot hold the truth, from which goodness leaks and evil creeps in. Jesus will fill us to the brim with vim.
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