Thursday, September 12, 2019

Kinship to Kingship

UV 3345/10000 Kinship to Kingship
But He answered, “ My mother and My brothers are these who listen to the word of God and do it!”
Luke 8 v 21

Kinship with Jesus or God is based on how keen we are to listen to His word and to do it. We need a teachable heart in order to relate or be intimate with the Father or the Son. We should have a longing for truth and consider it more precious than anything else we know or have. Kinship with Jesus implies His kingship over our souls, our inner being. We align our lives, our thoughts, words, actions, emotions in line with His word, His teachings, His principles and precepts. The Word contains the keys or the secrets to unlock all of life’s issues, problems, challenges. We should use it to unlock the treasures of the kingdom of God within us and amongst us.

As far as the Word is concerned, we should use it or we would loose it. If we are going through a period of sorrow and mistakes or mishaps in our lives, we can use the key in the Psalms, “ Keep my eyes from tears and my feet from stumbling. “ The Lord will then keep His promise to place a safety net to catch us while we fall. He will wipe every tear from our eyes and make us joyful instead. If we are embarking on a journey, the key is again in Psalms, “ Kiss the Son before you leave lest you perish on the way.” If we are beginning a new project or mission, “ Anyone who sets His hand on the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.” It implies that whatever we do, we should do wholeheartedly, single-mindedly as if we are working for the Lord, as if the Lord is working with us. We should pour in the best by way of preparation, sowing, tending and caring for what we are growing and see it through the season of harvest. If we are threatened by death and disease, we use the key, “ Lord, satisfy me with long life and after that give me eternal life.”

If we want success in business or academics or leadership, we need to use the key in Psalm chapter one, “ Blessed is the man who meditates on the word of God day and night.. He succeeds in everything He does.” If we are facing sickness, “ He forgives me of all my sin and heals me of all my diseases.” In short, in every situation, circumstance, stage of life, we need to depend on every word that proceeds from the mouth and mind of God given to us in scripture. When we do so, we are the next of kin of Jesus, we are His immediate family members, we are His intimate circle. If we ask in His name, we will receive, if we seek, we will find, if we knock, the door will be opened to us. We will lack in no good thing. We will be the son or daughter who when the Father asks us to do something will do it without hesitation and gladly. We will be the wise ones who built their houses on foundations of the rock of obedience to His word, on rock solid principles of life and leadership. We are the wise ones who kept our inner lamps burning with zeal for His word and sealed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We do not rely on our own limited understanding or our own six senses or seventh sense but the wisdom of the Word of the Lord.

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