UV 3357/10000 Moving from Under Performing to Over Achieving Abundance
Great are You in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, to reward or repay each one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds.
Jeremiah 32 v 19
The Lord is great in wisdom, in giving us practical advice or counsel as well as in executing the deeds or in undertaking action in line with the decisions taken. His eyes are all –seeing not partial or surface level sight like ours. He knows the very motives behind every thought of ours. He rewards or blesses us to the extent we conform to His word and His ways and not act according to our own light. He rewards us graciously and generously in accordance with our actions and not just our words. Thoughts, emotions, desires and actions are the primary level of His interface with humans and not mere words from our lips. Ultimately, He judges our lives by the results or the fruit as Jesus said.
The Lord ‘s execution quotient is a hundred per cent or absolute. What He decides He does, what He plans He executes. We, too need to up our Execution quotient so that many of our good thoughts and words and plans do not remain mere intentions but are translated into action. The preliminary stage in our planning should however be to consult the Lord, to take His counsel in every aspect of our lives. We do so by seeking it in prayer, in studying His word and what it says about the thing we are contemplating to do. We also should seek professional advice from experts, godly advice from our spiritual mentors. We gain different perspectives from different people based on their knowledge and experience. Clarity will emerge eventually and we will have the all surpassing peace of God and confidence that what we are setting on is the right course, the God-willed one. If we short circuit any of these processes, the cost will be high and the reward little or nothing. We might end it wringing our hands in frustration, anxiety and regret.
Once we have prayed, sought counsel of the Lord and man, studied the word, we must give the effort the hundred per cent it deserves. We should do everything that lies with us, do our utmost, stretching every nerve and muscle. We should do everything as if we are working for our ultimate boss, Jesus. The Lord will then add His grace and enable us to fulfill whatever we had planned or decided to an extent that we ourselves would be surprised and would give all the glory to the Lord. Indeed, I can say from our experience, He is able to do far more, by His wisdom and power working in us, than we can think, ask or imagine. Abundant thinking, abundant passion, abundant wisdom precedes abundant results. This is the reason most economies, individuals, firms fail for abundant thinking, abundant wisdom, abundant execution do not characterise what they desire, plan and do.
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