Monday, September 16, 2019

The Problem Solver, The Peace Giver

UV 3348/10000 The Problem Solver, The Peace Giver

Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.

John 14 v 27

The Shalom or Peace of Jesus is distinct from the Shalom of the old covenant which relied on obedience to the Mosaic law- the ten commandments and scores of rules. That peace was a partial and temporary one as obedience to the law was also partial and from time to time every man broke some law or rule. The peace that Jesus gives is what He has purchased for us at a very heavy price- His own life. He became the peace offering for our reconciliation with the Eternal Father, the One who breathed our spirits into us and created us in His image and in the image of His Son Jesus. The shalom of Jesus does not mean that we will have the absence of earthly troubles, trials and persecution but it means we will have the presence of Jesus in the midst of it. He is the great Problem Solver for in every situation He faced during the earthly sojourn He had an effective solution. If wine was short in a wedding feast, He turned the water into wine. If people were hungry, He multiplied available bread and fish to feed them. If tax had to be paid even if He had no income, He caused a fish to produce the gold coin needed to pay it.

Jesus as the Prince of Peace is not only a Problem Solver but a giver of inner strength to endure and overcome. If He does not help us solve a life challenge or problem, He will give us the inner strength and grace to bear it. Our hearts need not therefore, be troubled. The disciples panicked when they faced a storm while in a boat with Jesus sleeping peacefully even in the storm. Jesus was awakened and He commanded the waves and the winds as no king could ever, “ Peace, be still.” We only need to still our hearts in the midst of life’s great storms, focus on the locus of our lives- Jesus and a word greater and more powerful than the storm will calm the storm.

Satan often robs people of their peace and therefore, joy with small and big issues and challenges. Other people , even our near and dear ones, can rob us of our peace by what they say, do or do not do. Jesus restores our inner peace as we confide in Him. He will give us the courage and strength to face every situation of life and emerge victorious even as He emerged even from the cave grave victorious. The Shalom of Jesus is wholesome. It is holistic. It does not mean what the world calls peace- the absence of conflict. It means health and healing of spirit, mind and body, well being, wholesome success, all round balanced prosperity, joy, abundance of good emotions, thoughts and words, blessings of all types, everlasting life. Jesus is the underwriter or guarantor of such peace. He guarantees it with His blood and by means of the indwelling Holy Spirit who both fills and seals us. Peace is a supernatural enablement or unction and anointing He leaves us.

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