Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Warrior in Our Midst

UV 3344/10000 The Warrior In Our Midst

The Lord God is in your midst, a Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love (making no mention of your past sins), He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.

Zephaniah 3 v 17

The sun shines on us uninvited but God shines on us only with invitation and engagement. When we invite Him, He is in our midst. When He is in our midst, victory is certain. When He is in our midst, we have access to His power, wisdom and grace. When He is in our midst, we need not fear any enemy, any disease, any misfortune. When He is in our midst, worship not worry should be our response. When He is in our midst, joy not sorrow or regret should be our mindset. He wars on our behalf. We only need to remain quiet, still, watch and pray. Other warriors fight for pride or territory or some other cause but the Lord is a mighty Warrior who fights for the souls of people, to save us. The presumption is that there is a war going on all the time in the invisible realms for our souls. The enemy wants to take us captive through some dead habit or belief or action but the Lord loves us and redeems us. He rejoices when He wrests victory for us.

Jesus has in His agape or unconditional and absolute love made us more than conquerors for He has overcome or conquered death, defeating the power of sin and curses in our lives. We are more than conquerors as unlike other earthly conquerors who sacrificed their soldiers for their victory, our Commander –in –Chief Himself sacrificed His life for us. Not only that He continues to battle for us. We need not now be afraid of death, defeat, calamity. We can rejoice with the Lord for we are declared victorious even as the enemy is defeated, his head crushed by the heel of Jesus, the Son of man, the Son of God.

Since the greatest battle is already won for us, we need not fear the lesser battles or challenges and struggles of this lifetime. We can continually rejoice in the Lord, again and again for this is a victory whose taste does not fade with time, whose glory lasts forever. Nothing should therefore dampen our spirits or slow down our enthusiasm to enjoy the manifest love of the Lord. The Lord only wants us in return only to muzzle our tongues so that we speak no deceit or evil as with the same tongue we offer praise and thanksgiving to Him. He wants us to commit never to do wrong but to live a righteous life even as He is righteous.

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