Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Capsule of the Infinite

UV 626/10,000 A Capsule of the Infinite “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55 v 9 The universe is God’s canvas. It reflects His ways and His grace. It is made so vast that scientists are not able to ascertain where it begins and where it ends. It is infinite like God Himself. Similarly, God’s ways are infinitely higher than our ways. His thoughts are infinitely greater than our thoughts. Yet, He has written His ways and thoughts in our DNA as well as in the Word. He has captured and summed it up in a capsule. Even one rhema verse or uni-verse contains the essence of God. When we swallow and digest this capsule every day, we get access to the infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite power, infinite riches, infinite grace and mercy of God. It is a spiritual multi-vitamin. I cycled early this morning to the beach near our house to reflect on the ways and thoughts of God. At the beach, I raised my voice and my hands like a mindless man and worshipped Infinite God. It is written in the Psalms, “ Thy way is in the sea, thy path in the great waters and thy footsteps are not known.” The sea is pulled one moment towards its center and the next it is pushed outward. This produces waves. Each wave of the sea is different. Some are gentle waves, some are waves of warning followed by waves of wrath. Every force in the universe has an inward pull and an outward push. It is the balance between the inward pull and the outward push that creates equilibrium or balance in the universe. Similarly, we are inwardly pulled towards God’s love, grace, wisdom and power and then we are given a gentle shove, an outward push to go and reflect or radiate the love, grace, wisdom and power that we have absorbed. God’s faithfulness is described as being as high as the clouds. This implies that while the extent of His mercy cannot be measured, His faithfulness can be perceived and experienced. The gentle waves of the sea are the waves of mercy. Scripture says that “ His mercy is as high as the heavens are above the earth towards them that fear Him.” The high waves of warning are meant for those who do not fear Him. When people do not heed the many waves of warning, it is followed by the fearsome waves of wrath. The depth of the sea reflects the depth of the riches of wisdom and knowledge of God. Yet mighty as the sea is, it is only symbolic for the depth of the seas can be plumbed and measured by sonar devices. But, God’s judgements can neither be plumbed nor discovered. His ways cannot be found out. Our response is to believe and to trust and to allow spontaneous and constant streams of praise, awe and thanksgiving to flow from our hearts and minds. Just as the waves never cease, our praise and awestruck worship should never cease in the inward and outward pull and push of life. Prateep V Philip

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