Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Using Alpha Power to Be Content

UV 2953/10000 Using Alpha Power to Be Content

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Philippians 4 v 11

Jesus is both the center of our circle of life, the Alpha as well as the circumference, the Omega. All the sub-sets of our being are contained within His Being. Whatever be our needs in any or all sub-sets of our lives, He supplies our need. Hence, like St Paul, we can be contented in whatever state or circumstance we are in. Whether we are in plenty or in want, whether hungry or well fed, whether comfortable or in penury, we are contented in Him. Like Paul, we need to believe that He can supply all our need according to His riches in glory. Of course, He does not supply our greed but our need.

It is written in scripture that “godliness with contentment is great gain.” If our souls are saved in Christ, then there is nothing we can lose. We obtain godliness through our faith in Christ and our imitation of His life, the practice of His word. We gain contentment by believing He is with us as Helper, Ebenezer, Immanuel, not only living Saviour but Saviour in our personal lives, our greatest Problem-Solver, Our Defender, Our Provider, Our Vindicator and that He would never leave us nor forsake us. We submit to His will for us, whether He has ordained for us plenty or just sufficiency or even deficiency. But it is written in the Word that He satisfies the hunger of those He cherishes. Since we trust in Jesus, He cherishes us and rushes to satisfy our hunger or need in every aspect and dimension of our personal lives.
The sense of security that our faith in Jesus provides us is the foundation of our contentment. The belief that our stance of faith in Jesus can save us in every circumstance of life transforms our perspective on life’s great insecurities- food, clothing, shelter, safety, children, future, esteem. It does not mean that we will neglect opportunities that the Lord sends our way for blessing, growth and legitimate gain. Contentment does not imply that we do not strive to do our best in our vocations, in trying to contribute our mite to improving the world around in some way. We are to be divinely discontented with our spiritual growth, our work for the Lord, our contributions, the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in our character and relationships even as we are contented with the provision for our physical or financial needs. It means that we will not overly excited when we receive an increase or be depressed when we suffer a loss or insufficiency of resources.

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